Happy Friday! We hope you’ve enjoyed your slightly shorter week, digesting all the chocolate eggs from last Sunday. We know we have! Here’s a little bit more about what our team at Digital HQ got up to this week…

easter eggs in a basket

End of marine licensing discovery

We wrapped up our seven-week discovery project for our marine licensing process. Deloitte has been helping us understand our five user groups and their:

  • collective behaviours
  • user needs
  • goals
  • pain points

We presented what we’ve learned from 14 user interviews and extensive desk research in a show and tell session for 43 of our staff, which included:

  • overview of our activities during the discovery
  • summary of user research findings – insights and needs
  • recommendations for service improvements
  • recommended technical solution option

We’ll decide as an organisation about the next steps for the marine licensing project.

NRW staff can view the recording of the show and tell session.

wave hitting pier

Spring clean your team’s content…

Sophie and Kim have been busy working to update various intranet pages to ensure they reflect the organisation’s current policies and link out to the correct resources for staff.

If your team manages a webpage or intranet page with resources and information for users, now is a good time to get your whole team together and review the webpage copy, as well as any hyperlinks and where they are sending users to.

If you’re reviewing content on our external website, it can be helpful to use Google Analytics and heat maps to see what pages and touchpoints are popular on your page. You can view our analytics dashboards under Data and Evidence to review the traffic and events on your page (events include things like clicks and downloads). This allows you to edit and position content most strategically for your audience, thus creating user focused content.

Once you have decided on changes needed to your webpage, copy and paste the existing page into a Word document and select the ‘review’ panel and then ‘track changes’. Then you can make the amends as needed, and submit this document to us in a content request form.

Our team will then review your request, send the updated copy to be translated and your changes will be made in a timely manner.

lego man sweeping

Out with the old, in with the new

This week, our Digital Officers have been working their way through an impressive number of evidence reports that have been sent into our team over the past month. Despite the shortened week, we managed to begin reviewing and publishing 10 reports onto our website. With some of these reports containing upwards of 100 pages of content, this is quite the achievement for our small team!

This makes room in our queue for more reports to be published, subject to review. If you are planning to send us a report for the website, please read through our accessibility and style guide to ensure you pass your accessibility audit.

Other stuff we’ve been working on this week…

  • Lucinda and Sam are experimenting with a new way of asking users for feedback when using our apply to use land we manage form
  • Lucinda has been creating a Welsh flow on Figma for the new sign up to flood warnings service to identify any gaps. There have been changes since the last trio writing session so it’s important to bring a translator back in to ensure the Welsh flow still makes sense and is as user-friendly as can be.
  • Phil has been updating the felling licence registers and the Environmental Impact Assessment content.
  • Alex has started work again on the final phase of the hazardous waste project that CPDS helped us within 2021-22. Sam Evans is currently ensuring that the content and error messages are in line with NRW standards.

Fun Fact Friday!

In 1698, many citizens were told to see the lions bathing at the Tower of London. Of course, when they arrived, there was nothing to be seen, making this one of the most infamous early April Fool’s Day practical jokes.