Five things that happened this week.

1. We got to know each other

We reflected, recorded, then shared with the group things about ourselves like:

  • our ideal way to learn
  • how we like to receive feedback
  • what we need
  • conditions we like to work in

We were a new group, with many of us having never met before, so this gave us the opportunity to learn more about each other and settle in for the day.

2. We got to know GitHub

We moved on to practical stuff fast. To help us make and publish during the project, we started using a project site hosted on GitHub. We used it to:

  • create bios
  • compile principles for our learning
  • try out GitHub Markdown
  • publish it all bilingually

GitHub was new to some of us content people, so it was great to experiment with it.

3. We explored a service problem

Our challenge for the day was to design a menu for a festival event. To do this we:

  • created a recruitment screener
  • prepared discussion guide
  • carried out a simulation of a user recruitment exercise
  • held mock-up user interviews

This helped us create a menu to meet users’ needs.

4. We created a service blueprint

To map out the user journey we created a service blueprint. It included:

  • what the user does
  • what the user sees
  • what the user doesn’t see
  • what supports the service

This helped us map out the service end to end and identify potential pain points.

5. We carried out a desktop walkthrough

Each group chose a problem and prototyped a solution using lego and other props. This helped simulate how the service might play out during the festival.

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